Thursday, October 10, 2019

Syria and the Kurds

The Kurds are a distinct ethnic group that used to have a nation; but, lost it. It was broken up after World War I. The Kurds ended up in Turkey, Syria and Iran. There are about 50 million of them and they do not have their own nation. ISIS was an enemy of both the Kurds and the Syrian government. The Kurds fought the members of ISIS and we helped them. ISIS was ended and the Kurds wanted independence from Syria and Turkey, basically, they want to create their own country and are willing to have a civil war to do so.

After ISIS was defeated we reduced troops working with the Kurds until we had only 50 left in the area and Trump removed them too. The media has been claiming that we "abandoned" the Kurds; but, we only worked with them to fight ISIS, not to participate in their civil wars in Syria and Turkey. The Kurds and the Turkish were involved in the genocide of Armenians in the past.

Trump removed 50 soldiers from the area and other countries questioned the move. Hmmm, Australia could send 50 more soldiers there, the EU countries could too. I have never discussed why I distrust Trump on this blog, I have merely said I didn't vote for him and wouldn't. I like the fact he is anti-globalism and did not approve the TPP. I do believe that the elites hate Trump because he is against globalism and that is their main problem with him. Bernie Sanders was against those thing too, which is why the DNC cheated him.

Here is what matter, we don't have a treaty with the Kurds, we do with Turkey, in fact they are our partners in NATO. The Kurds have attacked Turkey from inside and outside the country. Technically, as a member of NATO, an attack upon one is an attack upon all. If we stayed in northern Syria and fought with the Kurds against Turkey, we would be guilty of attacking a NATO country, think about that. The reality is, Turkey wants to take over the northern part of Syria where the Kurds are. Supposedly we want to have a regime change in Syria, so what is the problem? Unless we are going to fight for an independent Kurdish nation and take away part of Turkey, why were we still there? Does anyone really want to go to war with Turkey over creating a new country for the Kurds?

I have been patiently saving articles and preparing to write about the "Ukrainian Call Scandal" but I am not ready to post yet. I am waiting on a couple of more shoes to drop. I will say this, Trump committed no crime and none has been specified by his opponents which is why they are not prepared to write articles of impeachment.

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