Thursday, December 19, 2019

Impeaching the working class

Lets be honest, I am no Trump supporter, I wanted Bernie to win (no longer, he is a grand disappointment) I have a decade of posts to show what I believe. I certainly don't want to see Trump removed from office for baloney. You are a complete fool if you think Republicans wont impeach the next Democratic president if they control the house. Democrats are saying at least they will have an asterisk next to Trumps name as being impeached, it means nothing when every future President has one by their name.

Desperation is never a good look. The donor class told the Democrats to impeach Trump, Pelosi said it is not a good political move, they told her to do it anyways. She did. The donors believe they can bribe enough Republicans in the senate to remove Trump. Remember when one of oligarchs offered Trump one billion dollars to leave the Presidential race, I do, I wrote about it.

Nobody is going after Democrats that voted to impeach, people understand politics. A Republican senator that votes to remove Trump from should be very afraid. They will not be seen as partisan, they will be seen as traitors. Trump has a 90% approval with Republicans.

We all know this attack upon Trump is not about the Ukraine call. It is not an attack on Trump, it is an attack on the working class. The working class didn't change to Republican from Democrat, they changed to Trumpians. The working class wanted someone that cared about them and Trump did. He kept his promises to them and that is powerful when nobody else has in 40 years. Bill Clinton gave China favored nation status in trade a year after they slaughtered protestors in Tiananmen Square. Bill Clinton signed NAFTA. Obama pushed for the TPP which would have prevented the United States from having manufacturing at all. The Paris Climate Accord would have made sure that the United States could never manufacture anything again. Trump killed it.

This is about killing the midwest and working class and they have to go through Trump to do it. Each year I post the Bilderberg agendas. Next years will be about Trump, Brexit and globalism, bet me.


sizzlingcell said...

I hope this Holiday season finds you safe and healthy Pimpernel!

Pimpernel said...

Dear sizzlingcell, sending you my love and appreciation. May you have a wonderful and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 2020 will be fascinating.