Friday, June 5, 2020

"Defund the police" is not what you think

Read my last post to understand what is going on. Local politicians are calling for "defund the police" and claim they are doing so to placate people upset over the death of George Floyd. They could care less about him. They have lost 15 to 20% of their tax revenue and have no choice but to reduce funding for services in their cities and counties and states. The general rule in government is that if you take a 5% hit on taxes you cut services except police and fire. If you take over a 10% hit you have to cut police and fire, your biggest expenses. The lockdowns cost cities and counties at least 15% of their revenues and that means they must cut funding for police and need an excuse. The excuse is to blame the police throughout the nation for the actions of one cop in Minneapolis. The politicians claim the funding cuts will fund social services. How does that make sense when tax revenue for cities are down 15%?  They will cut funding for police and take a year or two to fund minimal social services while they study what would replace the police and will never come to fruition. I believe it was Denzel Washington that said, "If you don't watch the news you are uninformed, if you watch the news you are misinformed". Brilliant comment.

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