Thursday, June 4, 2020


WND - Needing help, Newsome and Cuomo tone down criticism of Trump.

So, the states which had the strictest lockdowns made less in tax payments. What a surprise. If you cannot sell products or services and cannot pay employees, states get less in tax revenue. California claims it needs $54 billion and New York claims it needs $13 billion. These governor's are the same people that closed down the businesses. Did they not know it would effect tax collection? They want the states that didn't shut down all business to pay for their decisions. The coastal states did nothing for the Midwest other than outsource their jobs and industries and now want to take their money away too. If we bail out California and New York, I guarantee you they will lock us down again come October. BTW, I live in California.

Instead of bailing out these states, let them take their boot off of the local businesses and the taxes will be made up. Let them increase their own taxes and take responsibility for their actions, see if they get re-elected. 

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