Friday, July 16, 2010

By the way

The young man who used to work for me and I am so proud of, I never asked him to learn to be like me. I asked him to see the world, I pray I taught him to see behind the veil not to be like me. I always told him to be him, to understand the world but to deal with it as him, not to replicate me.

That is teaching rather than training. That is freedom rather that tyranny. That is the difference between love and adoration. It is how we should learn rather than what we can get. Two of my daughters believe me to be an ass because I will not conform to their wishes, I will not conform to anyone's wishes and I do not ask others to conform to mine, I live my life and show by example. Their choices are their choices. That is how I believe it should be, not force, self definition.

As for my not "Son in law", he need not worry what I think. He apparently wishes to tell me who I am. His opinion on that matter is meaningless unless I get to tell him who to be. My answer for those who have always attempted to tell me who to be is (I am going to cuss) F You. My number one priority in life was to tell people to be themselves and to attempt to be the best themselves that they could. I will die on that mountain, it is a good place to die on.

BE YOU. Be loving, be giving, be forgiving; but, be those things because they are lessons you wish to learn. Be true to yourself and be willing to live with the consequences, be so committed to live with the penalties of being wrong, of learning again. Be well.

Jesus was asked to sum up the bible. He said love God with all you heart and your neighbor as yourself. What does it mean to love God with all your heart, does it mean to admit that you are not perfect, that there is more of a penalty for being perfect than you are willing to take on? If you wish to be God, what price are you willing to pay? What price are you willing to pay to be perfect? Are you willing to accept the pain of loving people who are not?

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