Friday, July 16, 2010

Carl Jung, Gnostics and Jim Carey.

I bet you that you don't know the connection. The title reads like something the Amazing Karnak would say on "The Tonight Show".

Carl Jung is one of the most famous people in Psychiatry. He created the theory of individuation. That is Jung's belief that we must unite our conscious with the subconscious. Your "heart", feelings, intuition and your mind while keeping the mind autonomous. What does that sound like to you? Something we have talked about before.

Carl Jung was also famous for his belief in gnosticism. He was an avowed alchemist also. I passed an article on it today and cannot remember where or I would post the link. Now lets return to what he taught. He was teaching to reach for spirits to share your skin and guide you.

Gnosticism and Mystery Religions always do the same thing with different words. The "Initiate" is in search of higher spiritual knowledge. The initiate is taught to feel the universal consciousness, the higher self, the other being inside you. As a Christian I would refer to this as channeling. The allowing of spirits inside you to become one with them, to share space.

Now watch this speech by the comedian Jim Carey. He took DMT to find the spiritual. I wrote about DMT sometime back. DMT is a chemical released from the Pineal Gland when one is dying. It is becoming very popular, it should absolutely NOT be taken by people. It occurs naturally when it is needed, just how the body was designed. It has a purpose; but, the purpose is not to have an forced experience.

Mr. Carey's description of his experience is that he became one with everything and was his bigger self. He says there was no distinction between him and everyone else. That then is something he says he keeps trying to get back to. Here is a video talking about the "Spiritual Awakening" that many say is coming. I don't care if it is right or wrong, not the issue. I am more interested in the description of the experience.

The people in the video are describing a DMT experience. I am not saying they took the drug, it is the type of experience one would have on DMT. The pineal gland is the area known as the third eye. It is where occultists have said for years the psychic center was. Again, I am not taking a position at the moment; but, am looking at the nature of these experiences.

After one has one of these experiences they are supposed to find a guide (this world or other world) who is supposed to help explain the experience to them. The experiences most of these people are discussing are basically channeling, possession. You no longer are part of everything, everything is part of you, you become God. How funny Jim Carey took it, he made a movie about wanting to be God called "Bruce Almighty".

So, Jim Carey wants to feel like he is God again, uniting with everything and everyone. Carl Jung wanted us to do the same and it all comes from Gnostic religions. If there is a coming "awakening" it will not be good, it may feel wonderful, but, it will not be good. Imagine a five year old on LSD, he truly is not ready and will be screwed up afterwards not knowing up from down.

Quite a lot of "magic" spells and incantations were created by Christian monks. They thought if they had power over demons then they could use that power to gain cookies from the demons. Again, this is not about their being right or wrong, it is about their intent, where were they coming from.

The experience for these people is about them, being one with everything; but, they are the God, everyone absorbs into them. It is completely self-centered and completely un-Christian. It mocks relationship, everyone conforming to you rather than interacting with separate, self-defined beings.

Now I am going to talk about the bible. The bible says that we should never attempt to speak to spirits. It also says that demons are cast down angels, they are still angels, not all angels are good. No doubt the Devil classifies itself as an Angel (at least in years when they win a pennant). ROFL, hey, that was pretty good.

I wrote recently on the "Purpose of life". Someone's chosen purpose in life decides their direction in life, it is their need to be. It is what gets them up in the morning. If your purpose in life is to become like God with everything becoming part of you, what kind of choices will you make?

It says in the bible that the Devil is the king of deceit, why would anyone think that they are capable of dealing with spirits if they believe in spirits? Read about the lives of Aleister Crowley and Anton LeVay, they dies miserable deaths after losing everything. Why do people seek the spirit world, to everything a time and we shall all die soon enough. I guarantee, we will all know when we get there. You may discover that God is a woman or a Mormon or whatever, heck the Scandinavians believed he was turtle.

What if this life was about preparing for a spiritual existence? If it was than that would be defeated by taking the shortcut. What if rather than becoming one we shared completely openly and they with us; but, still completely distinct and free? That is what Christianity calls for. Gnosticism is a twist, yes I know it predates it, on Judaism and Christianity. It is another side of the coin.

I was once asked what I would do if I were God. I answered that I would kill myself because I could not handle the responsibility. If you are reading my blog you have probably decided I am not a complete moron or you like to laugh at the little retarded kid (bad people, bad). I know I am fairly bright, I am not that bright. I would never want to be God, the smallest mistake could be devastating. What sort of Narcissist thinks they can handle being God, not even Satan. It is the unpardonable sin, the only one that one cannot be saved from, it goes way beyond idolatry. I have always said that I would be happy to sweep the streets in heaven.

Imagine every cookie, goody, pleasurable thing being given to you at one time. Could you stand up to that or would your pleasure be too much for you to take? Too much pleasure (gluttony, lust and the other deadly sins) takes over weak willed people. The temptation is too much for most, almost all of us. The DMT experience is like that, like having all your pleasure sensors turned on at once. Hell, people cannot even handle methamphetamine.

I asked one of my daughters, an ex-meth user, what it was like. She said it made you feel as if you were perfect, the most beautiful, the most intelligent, the most. That sounded to me like a pretty strong drug. DMT is worse, it makes you feel like you are God if it is intentionally taken. People who have Near Death Experiences, have DMT naturally released, they feel as if they meet God or their loved ones, not quite the same experience. How funny that scientists will admit that DMT causes spiritual experiences when taken intentionally, yet, they deny the Near Death Experience where DMT is released naturally.

Why would anyone want to become a God? For the responsibility, for the knowledge of the meaning of everything - no surprises, sound boring. People always want to be God for the same reason, the power, to have everything and anything you want. Without surprise that condemns one to a eternity of boredom. Once the initial thrill wore off, eternity would be boring, that would be hell.

People are inconvenient at times, they are messy, they don't do the right thing all the time; but, they are very interesting. My blog is about how interesting the differences in us are, it is about what wild differences there are in the universe, it is certainly not about conformity or agreement. I had a psychologist once tell a class that I was a polarizing individual, upon meeting me people either hated or loved me. I used to post on a relationship website, I had exactly that effect, I was the most hated and loved. I never understood either reaction.

If we understood people's deepest meaning, beliefs we would react strongly, we might not react with compassion. Compassion comes with time, it comes with learning, it comes with thought. It comes when we learn that others feel the same pain. I learned it when I slammed a door on a young man's hand. I cannot thank him enough for forgiving a 11 year old idiot, me.

I had lunch with one of your fellow readers, he is not on the Follower's list. He used to work with me. He makes me so proud, he learned so much and such integrity. I love watching him use what he learned to make things better and right wrongs. He helped me when I was very down, when my world had deconstructed. He reminded me how he starts each day by reading my stupid blog. I told him that I try and mix up the stuff I write. I hope I continue to amuse him and the readers.

I did not write this blog to gain a world following. I do not monetize it or have click through's that make me money. I do not cuss on it, though, I cuss a lot in person, because I want anyone to be free to read it. If you met me in person you may be surprised by how quiet and reserved I am. I am basically a very shy person and not assertive on a personal level. On a business level I am very different. I am very assertive and can be quite confrontational. My writing is a mix of the both.

I met a lady who only knew me because of my writing. We had a lovely dinner in Palm Springs at Bing Crosby's. I have never seen her again, she lived in North Carolina and was here on business. She told me that I was not what she expected and that I was unlike anyone she had ever met. I wondered what she had expected, what do you expect if you do not know me? I assure you I am just a 50 year old bald man who is waiting to meet his love, his companionship. I am just a guy, how could a guy wish to be God, I can't.

To the readers that do not know me, why do you bother reading my drivel? It is not as if this blog has a clearly defined, ruled theme. In fact I attempt to avoid that. The blog is not about any special interest, I don't write on science as a them or even the economy, or even pensions. My blog is a rambling series of questions and attempts at discussion. Why are you here? Some feedback please.


OctopusHeart said...

Curiously I was just mentioning my own search for 'likeminded people'; I am not sure you perfectly qualify for the label and honestly that I don't consider this a bad thing contributes to a reconsideration of how and why I've been searching.

You do change up your content and I frankly don't enjoy *all* your various topic matter. I too think a bit about relationships, subjective spiritual experiences, religion, worldviews and mental frameworks, and philosophically about what is true, meaningful, good, etc.

You are also quite unabashedly yourself on all topics, and you actually *think* about them, think quite clearly and individually - compared not merely with general societal thought but subjectively with the slice of people I have met and talked with in my life. Thinking, clearly, individually – I appreciate that; I believe in the meaning and power of the individual in the face of life, adversity, government and spiritual concerns.

Why do I read your writing? It's just similar enough, just different enough, just intelligent and thoughtful enough to be of worth and value to me.
Though I think you already knew this.

For my own self, I sense a certain ironic humor because my reconsideration has left me wondering if perhaps 'likeminded-ness' is a quality I ultimately value more than 'likeminded'.

Anonymous said...

The beggining thing you mentioned. Is not about becoming god. 
In my own self, I now see things as not what religion, or what belief. But as purity and defilement. 
If a monk, priest, and sage all meet, what is their difference? Their methods and path of purity. And their individual stage of purity.
Purity is of heart,mind, and spirit, as all three of these effect each other intimitly. 
Title and belief do not make you pure, as we can obviously see by Priests on the news. Their hearts are defiled with evil. 
If the heart was a diamond, and pure-ness was a translucent diamond with bright light radiating from the center, and evil was this diamond blackened with no light. Then purity and evil can be seen as two forces battling within the heart. 
What's more important?? 
The idle of purity? Of the path of purity laid down by that idle? 
The guidelines to help the heart grow torwards purity and lightness.

Now, uniting the heart with the mind, and keeping the mind in control. Means you know all your feelings conciously. It means that bundle of feeling and emotions, are a conciouse thing. And these feelings and thoughts flow into the mind,and mind flows into the heart. The mind and heart become intamitly connected. No longer separate entities.
 The mind and heart often do different things, thinking and feeling don't always coincide.
Thus is born confusion, hesitation,fear,etc. These things help us grow, IF we can overcome them. If we do not, we defiled by them, and our growth inverts. Shrinking.

 When mind and heart are together, they do not always stay, it is temporary in most people. 
But when they do it is as if their having sex, one has a thought, and a corresponding feeling emerges, one feels and a corresponding thought emerges. They act in harmony. 
One thinks and so feels, one feels and so thinks.
 Their is not higher self that I know of. Their is only mind, heart, and the spirit that ties them. 
The only way I know to do this, is by purity of heart,spirit,and mind. Their are shortcuts, and it's specifically stated, to be pure in heart befor such things, or a person will become over run with his impurity.
Yes this state can become permanent. In the best it is simply a coming and going thing. 
And in most, it only exists when certainty in heart and mind are reached. When their is no doubt, fear, or confusion in a persons decision or state, whenever or for whatever infinite reasons it may happen in those moments. 
Haha it is being certian of what one thinks and feels. 
Becoming god is a joke, of the devil cannot become god what arrogance would make a human think he can? Lol wait probly that like the devils? :p 
You can gain purity and harmony within yourself. This will give you more control over yourself, but nothing els. 
Ha!! And when you think about it, the purest are more susceptible to defilement, then it becomes a matter of an individuals strength if spirit. 
And I may have not of mentioned, but inviting a spirit or demon merely invites impurity into your heart. Lol
But these are just strands of ideas and thoughts. Reply and critisism would be greatly appreciated!!! :D 

Pimpernel said...

Dear OctopusHeart,

Thank you for your comments. I enjoy reading many different perspectives myself. Too often we seek agreement rather than understanding. I do not believe anyone can know it all, I do believe that is what makes sharing valuable.

As for being myself. My goal in life was not to be perfect nor to be different, it was to be true to myself and always seek to grow. I think Shakespeare said something similar. Be well.

Pimpernel said...

Cpl, I will have to take some time and respond to the e-mail.

Anonymous said...

Christians don't ask for spirits to come into them? What about the Holy Spirit?

My mom attended a workshop about becoming spirit-filled. I asked her what the difference was between the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost.

She told me "it" had been re-named to Spirit because people are afraid of ghosts.

I laughed.

Pimpernel said...

An excellent question about the Holy spirit. I believe there are "spirits" or emotional aware beings that do not express themselves in the physical world as we do. For the sake of argument we will call them angels and demons.

If we read the bible we see their intent is different. Demons seek to possess us, sometimes angels seek to interact with us. That is a critical difference.

Nowhere does it say people "channel" or become the holy spirit, they are filled with it. One pertinent bible verse says that one cannot be possessed by demons if one is filled with the holy spirit.

In generalities most people cannot tell the difference between gnosticism and Christianity. In order to understand the difference we have to look not just at the words but at how they are used, how each defines the words.

Pimpernel said...


No criticism, just discussion. I disagree with the gnostics in regards to body and soul or mind and emotion. There is no duality. Purity is not singularity. Children act from urges and emotions, adults learn that they do not need to cater to all urges and can overcome them, it is not a question of purity, it is one of maturity.

"Purity" is oneness, that is true. It is not necessarily a good thing. Many truths are not pure in that sense. The world and people should have range. Would one seek to be pure in any emotion. I prefer to have a range of emotions and learn to put each under the control of my will.

Anonymous said...

Their is no duality between mind and emotion you say?
To want one thing and know you shouldn't, is a confrontation between feeling and thought. 

Yes, you are right, maturity.
    To have the mind autonomous is what you are saying, the mind says the body does. 
To not act on emotion,,, but to act on thoughts alone.
 This is actually been said, to be the greatest way to increase willpower. But 
If heart, or feeling and thoughts are one, BUT the mind stays autonomous, OR said another way. Mind and heart are one, but mind is in control. The mind says and body does, mind says and body feels. Emotions no longer run ramped, but all is being (moved) by the will of the mind. 
Maybe you already have this? Maybe their is little friction between your mind and heart, and your heart moves with the will of your mind? Both moving in close harmony with the will your mind produces? 

Pimpernel said...


The purpose of the mind is to regulate the emotions. We are not animals, we are capable of more. Our highest self, I believe, is managing our emotions.

Walking down the street I may see a beautiful woman and be attracted to her, that does not mean I can run up and undress her. We have emotions and we learn to direct them in positive ways.

Babies do what they want and have no regrets, they will even poke you in the eye and not understand. Emotions are feelings, as we learn we can change which emotions are responsive to which stimuli. When we understand other people have feelings and we don't want them sad, it would make us sad to do things that would not make us sad if we did not understand.

In the Garden of Eden we learned the knowledge of right and wrong. What we do with that knowledge defines us. Right and wrong is all about how we impact others. I cannot do right or wrong to a rock. Right and wrong is about relationships. Good relationships mean giving to each other and helping each other. A fair exchange that helps both.

If I give things up so that another benefits then I am denying my want. That is why we have minds, so that we can do better together than we could ever do individually.

Learning to control our emotions is a lifetime event, learning how we effect others is a lifetime event. It should be what we struggle to accepting that we will never be perfect and that if we were we would have no emotions as such. Great questions.

Anonymous said...

Great answer. :D
So, if were are to become ( like ) angels in heaven, how may that effect our emotions? For such a change is bound to effect us in multiple ways.

Pimpernel said...

We absolutely do NOT become like angels, we rule over angels in heaven. That is what it says in the bible and that is why Satan and others revolted.

Angels did not grow, they were created. We grow, we evolve they merely learn. They have free will; but, they were born with knowledge that they did not acquire. The acquisition creates wisdom, the experience needed creates temperment.

I believe that when we leave this earth we have a greater understanding of our nature and continue learning and interacting with others who are learning. I do not see heaven as a place of non-activity.

Our emotions will continue to exist, we will just be able to associate them appropriately and positively. We will have matured and given up many of our negative approaches. Or that is my belief.

Anonymous said...

There is no proof that near death experiences are caused by dmt released naturally by the pineal gland.
This is only a theory.

Pimpernel said...

I am hard pressed to say that there is "No" evidence. I recommend reading articles by Dr. Rick Strassman of the University of New Mexico School of Medicine.

Every organ serves a purpose. Dr. Strassman was not the first to identify the Pineal Gland as being the gateway to the soul. It is in the center of our brain for a reason.

Dr. Strassman raises some very good questions and provides some very good information. When DMT is smoked a very similar experience to the Near Death Experience occurs. No other release of chemicals to the body has the same effect or is even close.

The question is whether the release of DMT is a consequence or a cause of the experiences. I believe it to be a bit of both. My opinion.

Anonymous said...

I did a Google search for Jim Carey meth lab and your blog post looked to be the closest thing to what I was searching for :)

Pimpernel said...

Dear Anonymous,

Hope you found the discussion useful.

Anonymous said...

Its amazing how much ego is involved in all this expertise. Would you take marriage advice from someone who's never been in a relationship? How can I take seriously someone whose fear of anything outside of what they've been taught keeps them paralyzed and who regurgitates info like a child who recites racist rhetoric because they've never learned better. This child is brought up in ignorance and fear while claiming it is Gods will that we control others options and opinions. It is honestly sad. We control angels? This to me is the equivalent of asking a 3 year old to solve global warming. They haven't developed enough to know. It's not something one would take seriously. I expect that your fear of evolving also includes censoring opinions that don't match your own. My dear you appear to be stuck. I pray that God bless you with true knowledge one day.

Pimpernel said...

Dear Anonymous who posted on 9/18,

Where to begin? Lets start with this, if I had chose to not post your comment, it would not be censorship, you are free to start your own blog and say whatever you want. This is a moderated blog and I am the author and the moderator.

To accuse me of attempting to control what others believe is just silly, believe what you want and I will believe what I believe. To imply that my saying what I believe is an attempt to control others is hypocritical if you say what you believe.

I am sorry that you missed my point. It was a simple one, we should let things come naturally as we are ready and not seek shortcuts. As for fear of death or "awakening", I have none. My doctors have assured me many times that I should be dead and it doesn't effect how I live my life at all.

I continue to be amazed by how many people have read this particular post. I don't use google so I have no idea what searches lead people to this post.

For those who believe in Gnosticism, be well. I disagree and believe differently. For those who choose to have induced spiritual experiences I merely offer a warning. Live this life before trying to reach the next realm, define yourself fully or you risk having others define you.

Eric Michael Wykoff said...

DMT and Crystal Meth are nothing alike. Meth causes the brain to release dopamine (happiness). DMT binds to serotonin receptors (regulates a bunch of things including sleep, memory, and learning). Meth is highly addictive. DMT is not addictive. Meth is man made. DMT comes from plants and is all around us.

DMT has been used for thousands of years by human beings seeking to gain a better understanding of themselves and the universe around them. Meth has been used for about 100 years by people seeking an escape, adrenaline high, or a quick dose of happiness.

There's also no proof DMT is produced in the penal gland or during near death experiences (or during death/birth for that matter). For someone that claims to have done a lot of research on the substance I find your posts full of hyperbole, misinformation, and a lot of anti-drug rhetoric.

I think you're on an anti-DMT crusade because it's a powerful chemical and because you still have issues over your friend committing suicide on LSD. While I agree that it's wise to caution anyone with doubt to stay clear of psychedelic chemicals I find it no different then cautioning someone who can't swim to not take up surfing. Each individual should know their limits and learn to swim before they jump into the deep end. That's good advice for life in general. Simply because something is powerful and possibly dangerous does not mean that it's not also a powerful tool for self discovery.

As to the feeling at 'One With God and the Universe' so many DMT users have experienced, there's another much simpler word for that, harmony. Something the ego is very good at blocking and I'm sure something God would want us to experience if we weren't so busy being caught up in our own issues.

Pimpernel said...

Dear Mr. Wykoff,

You certainly are sensitive, I think I am allowed to my opinion. I took my time in posting my response because I wanted to think about what you said.

DMT is a naturally produced chemical in our bodies, if you do not believe i comes from the pineal gland, where do you think it comes from? Please show me the science behind your statements. It comes from somewhere in the body and the only place that has been identified is the pineal gland. If you have another, please give us your understanding, it doesn't change the impact it has when it is found in the blood stream.

As for the impact it has, read people's individual reports. It is not recreational and it is not addictive; but, it is very powerful. Would you give it to a child? You cannot both disregard it's impact and then talk about how I am anti-drug at the same time.

Psychedelics are not meaningless and they are not for everyone. I certainly don't promote them; but, that is not the same as attacking them. My best friend killed himself on LSD, that is just a fact, should I not care or think that it is meaningless? Is it wrong to tell people to be cautious?

Contrary to your uninformed opinion, DMT is powerful and the people who take it have life changing experiences. Not all of them can handle it. It is not the same as going to watch an X-Men movie.

While I did not say the DMT and Meth experiences were the same, they do have somethings in common, they effect how you view yourself. If you have not defined yourself by your morality, both can be devastating. You will accept whatever gives you that high rather than what is best for you or even good for you.

I waited to show your comment; but, I did show it. Understand sunshine, this is my blog and I moderate it. Your opinion and comments will only be posted if I choose for them to be posted. You are free to start your own blog or website or Twitter or Facebook or any other thing you wish; but, I choose what to respond to on my blog and I chose to allow your response, would you do the same on yours?

John Zen said...

why shouldn't we take something that is commonly found in nature?,,, the definitivness of your statement that we should NOT take this is very naive, for it comes from the distancing oneself from exploration of life.

Pimpernel said...

Dear John Zen,

Lets be clear, I did not say that it should be illegal to take DMT. The statement that because it comes from nature is enough reason to take it is just wrong. Castor beans come from nature and will kill you as they are highly toxic.

DMT is unlike any other "drug" and was used in the South America in very particular ways. It was not used to get high per se. It is now being promoted in the United States and can effect people for life. I think caution should be taken.

Unknown said...

Years later I have stumbled upon this fascinating thread. This debate in and it's self represents the entirety of our society and our integration and awakening of the ego as it fights its own duality. The ego manifests itself on both sides so clearly in this argument,neither side is willing to accept defeat and find their inner harmony.To each their own and good luck on whatever journey of healing, transcendence, or enlightenment speaks to your inner core beliefs.

I myself have used DMT and I have been conducting research on it, Jung, esoteric knowledge, god, and just about anything else you consider spiritual for the last ten year. I have find my self in complete and total resonance with both the arguments. On one hand I see dmt as a sacred experience that is divine, transcendent, and profound. At the same time I find dmt shocking, scary, and possible the root of true evil. I sit in the middle and I don't lean in either way. I know that universe or god and all of everything in its entirety is based on a very simple mathematical formula. I am aware that the formula exists in both the physical reality and the unconscious or spirit. I am unaware of its exact inputs and I am very much unaware of its potentially infinite outcomes. I am ok with being where I am...right now lol. The Great post, killer irony. Always remember to laugh, nothing is that serious when you see the bigger picture!