Sunday, August 15, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love

I am sure everyone has heard of the new movie, "Eat, Pray, Love". It looks so nice from the trailers; but, really it is a story of extreme selfishness. It should be called, "Cheat, whine, self-indulge". Here is the real story.

The women married a man, she decided to cheat on him. She got divorced and the man she cheated on her husband with dumped her. She then went on a trip around the world to "find herself". She takes up eastern religion, because obviously that is deeper because it is all about you.

Now, thousands of people are following in her steps, just like good little sheeple. I need to explain something, this is what my ex wanted to do, she wanted to climb all the highest mountains, literally. A life of excitement, except most never get that and neither did my ex. I understand the fantasy of being fee and able to do anything you want, most cannot afford it.

The author was able to do it because she got an advance on a book. I have a long time pet peeve, it is with people who need to screw everything around them in order to "find themselves". For some reason "finding yourself" always seems to require that you become completely selfish and break all of your commitments.

I read an article today, it was about another women who left her husband of 25 years because she wanted a life of excitement. Her husband died six months later; but, she says it was best for both of them. The woman has no soul. He died, how was that better for both of them.

A Rabbi was talking about marriage. He asked if marriage was more about spirit, love or law. A valid question. For too many it appears to be about self. It is supposed to be a union, working together, not about what you get, about what you both can do.

Honor, truth, commitment. Those are morals that are about society. We don't see it promoted too much anymore. Children are raised to have high self esteem, even if undeserved and to consider how things apply to them rather than society. They are taught to make decisions based on relativism rather than right. Things can only get worse.

I read an article in the Wall Street Journal about churches and how they are losing members. The author asks what needs to be done to strengthen the church. The answer is simple, what got it started. The church began with a few hundred people changing the lives to lives of service and telling people what changed them. It focused on salvation rather than sin. It did not concern itself with how many members it gained.

It says in the last days the word will be preached throughout the world and that the church will die off and be persecuted. That is what says in the bible. One must ask why the church would lose relevance and be persecuted. Now here is the tricky question, how did they know at the time that Revelations was written that the word would be preached throughout the whole world.

Let me explain. The man that wrote the book of Revelations said that the word would be carried to every part of the world. That assumes that the church would reach worldwide, ie become pretty big. It did. He then says that as that happens, the church will become weak and be persecuted. An odd thing to expect if you think the church would grow so much. ROFL. I do love a puzzle.

The role of the church is to merely make sure that the word has been spread throughout the world. It has other value; but, that is it's role. Once the role is completed, it ceases to be strong. The church is an instrument that needs to remember why it exists. Heck, it's last official duty is to provide martyrs to be killed, that is what the bible says.

I am a Christian. I am not afraid of the church disappearing, I am afraid of it forgetting to do it's job. I laugh at Christians who are outraged by gay marriage. That is not supposed to be our focus. Do your job, spread the word and do not worry that there is sin in the world, it isn't going anywhere. The bible does not say that the church will conquer Satan, it says it will be the home to martyrs. I assume the church will get real small because there are a limited number of those to be martyred, that means there will be a great falling away. Looks like that is almost done.

If you know anything about Christianity in Europe, you know it already died out there. The number of people who participate in churches in Europe is nill. The English government subsidizes the churches in England. The fact that they accept money form the government is disgusting. The greatest dis-service Ex-President Bush ever did to Christianity was to attempt to give money to churches to provide social services. They took it and compromised their mission. Shame on them. They focused on works rather than faith. Well I didn't know I was going her tonight; but, I shall continue.

I like the church I attend when I can. I asked the head of the church if he preferred Pastor or what, he said "Dale". LOL. I have never once seen them pass around the plate or even say where you were to put your contribution. Not one time. It is a bible church, they read passages and give context and ask questions. That is what the church is supposed to do and he does it wonderfully.

I have seen what passes for Christianity on television, it is pandering to the lowest urges. I have no use for Benny Hinn or the Trinity Broadcasting Network. I have no use for mega-churches. There are pastors out there still trying to preach the word, they will always be there. Too few are talking about what is front of their eyes, too many are talking about what is not important.

The church is not holding any evil back, that should be apparent. It does not need to join in as some do in an attempt to remain. Churches are taking on active gays and lesbians who are unwed as pastors. I missed that in the bible, divorced people aren't allowed to be pastors. By the way, I have no problem with pastors marrying, it is not prohibited.

As the President said, we have freedom to worship, that does not mean we have freedom of religion or to live by our beliefs. The bible said we would have one currency, it said that 2000 years ago, it is now coming. Why aren't the preachers talking about that? For those who read this blog to hear about things other than religion, you might find it less interesting in the future, I plan on discussing religion more.

This blog began by talking about our existence, my first post was on the fact that all we can know for sure is that we exist. I assisted Descartes, by saying that we experience feelings therefore we are. The blog began as a discussion about spirituality, about our nature and our purpose. That has always been the purpose, the most fundamental aspect of my writing is about meaning, our meaning. We all can find the truth inside ourselves, it can be a tough journey, it means delving into your deepest beliefs, they are shown by your choices. Be well.

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