Thursday, September 2, 2010

On Why Stephen Hawking is a Douche bag

The renowned scientist Stephen Hawking has written a new book. In it he explains that he can explain how the universe was created and that God is unnecessary. He is a douche bag. As my readers know, I do not cuss on this blog. The term douche bag is not cussing. I could have just as well called him a dirty diaper as my youngest once called my ex-wife. The youngest was about two years old and was upset about something and did not know any cuss words so she made up her own.

Back to the bag. DB Hawking has added nothing new in decades. His latest book is merely a restatement of the old string theory and multi-universe baloney. His theory requires that we believe there are 11 space-time dimensions, "vibrating strings, ... point particles, two-dimensional membranes, three-dimensional blobs and other objects that are more difficult to picture and occupy even more dimensions of space."

Nothing has changed, the fact that DB Hawking says it doesn't make it true, it is the baloney that still cannot be substantiated. His statement that spontaneous creation was inevitable is simply not true. The fact that the universe exists does not prove that it must exist, merely that it does.

If you have been reading my previous posts on quantum physics and the links you will see that his "new" theory is old and not supported by the findings of the current quantum physicists. Heck, he basis his theory on gravity and that cannot even be explained.

It appears to me that DB Hawking is just looking to sell his book and remain relevant. The question is why did he feel the need to bring God into his discussion at all, that is the questionable action. I have no problem with people telling me that they do not believe in God. If they ask me why I believe in him I will tell them, if they do not I will not push the issue. I do however have a problem with people attempting to push their belief that is no God on me and then try and use science to prove it.

This is my personal blog and I have the right to express my beliefs and opinions, nobody is forced to read it and everyone is free to read only the parts that interest them. Much of what I write here, if not most, I do not discuss with people unless they have an interest in it. My blog is not placed in the mass media, no news articles are written regarding what I say. Public figures need to choose their words more carefully.

I do not attack atheists or agnostics or other religions, I will discuss them. I will expose what others like the Rosicrucian's believe. I will debate what they believe; but, I do not attack them. I am Christian and I don't even attack Satanists, I have written about them. So the question is, why do so many scientists feel threatened by the possibility of the existence of God?

Let me simplify, science can never disprove that God exists. It is a logical impossibility, this is Philosophy 101. Science can only "prove" what does exist. That is it's limit. Beyond that, why bother trying to prove that God does not exist, to what end. It does not achieve the desired goal. All I need to prove is that I exist. I have already done that. It is enough proof that spirit exists, I have sentience. You can prove to yourself that you exist.

Quite awhile back I wrote about the fallacy of believing that the planet matters and you do not. Sentience, self awareness, is the single thing that anyone can prove and it proves that we matter. Rocks cannot feel pain, people can. A planet without people or a universe without sentient beings would be irrelevant. If we were not here then there would be nobody to make the universe have meaning. There would be nobody to enjoy it or experience it.

Yesterday a man strapped bombs to himself and took a number of people hostage at the Discovery Channel. He issued a Manifesto. It is the link. In it he says we must stop breeding disgusting human babies. Now I don't know about you; but, I looooove me some babies. I am a baby sniffer, love to smell them when they are just born, I love the feel of them and their little tiny toes. It takes a lot of lies for someone to hate babies. It takes a lot of abuse.

It is our nature to love babies, all animals love their own babies. Babies are life and life is everything. Life is hope, without life there is no hope, just rocks. The man that held the hostages said he was changed by watching Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth". He was fed garbage and this is what we get. The belief that you and I do not matter is the filth.

Rocks and rabbits do not matter more than you. You and I matter more than anything else because we give meaning to everything else. The evil in this world is continually telling us how little we matter, how temporary we are, how evil we are. It says that Satan accuses us night and day before God. We give him a lot to charge us with; but, even he would say we matter.

DB Hawking, lets get back to him. Rather than prove his theories, he brings up God. I do not need to bring up God to prove gravity. I do not need to bring up God to prove that I have sentience. So why bring up something you do not believe in?

I believe DB Hawking will later come out and say that he was attempting to disprove God, merely saying he could prove that the universe could exist without their being a need for their to be a God. You see his real problem is that quantum physics says nothing makes sense, nothing should exist. Read the previous posts and their links. He needs to prove that God does not need to exist in order to "save" quantum physics from proving that God does exist. He has failed. He had to fall back on a intellectual wedgie.

Alternate universes are a logical wedgie, they cannot be proven or dis-proven. Because alternate universes cannot be dis-proven, their acceptance is un-scientific. They violate the rules of science just like traveling backwards in time does. These are fundamental scientific rules. They also violate the number rule of science, can you duplicate it. The big bang cannot be duplicated, so to accept it is to accept something that violates sciences rules, it is just a theory, at best.

YOU MATTER. I don't care who you are or what sins you have committed, you matter. You must experience this existence, that is pretty powerful, a rock does not have to watch it's parents die, it's children be born, the pains and trials of life, a rock does not grow. Growth is painful, yet, so rewarding.

All of this garbage that is currently being promoted is not really aimed at eliminating people. It's true purpose is to limit growth. It's true purpose is to limit growth to those that the people on top believe are deserving. It is funded by those people who run this place. You do matter; but, not to them. That is the truth.


Anonymous said...

Man is but a reed, the most feeble thing in nature. But he thinks. He is a thinking reed. The entire universe need not arm itself to crush him. A vapour, a drop of water suffices to kill him. But, if the universe were to crush him, man would still be more noble than that which killed him, because he knows that he dies and the advantage which the universe has over him; the universe knows nothing of this.

Man's dignity, our dignity, lives in our thoughts. By it we must elevate ourselves, and not by space and time which we cannot fill. Let us endeavour then to think well; this is the principle of morality.

A thinking reed. Not in space am I to seek my dignity. But in my thinking. Possessions give me no more than I have already. The universe comprehends me. It encompasses me. In its space, I am but a geometrical point. But in thought, in my thought, I comprehend the universe.


Newt said...

Actually that's not true. If you look and look and look for something, and you never find it it - you can make an educated guess that it doesn't exist, because you looked diligently enough that if it does exist, you should have found it. So yes - you can "prove" a negative, contrary to popular belief, to within an acceptably very small margin of doubt.

People and their god thing...gah. Listen, *you're* the one saying that he's out there somewhere. Try proving THAT; we could all use a good laugh, seriously.

That said; Yeah Hawking is a d-bag...and not because of his views that a "god" as the Christians pimp the idea is wildly improbable, so much as his garbage analogies & lousy supposition laden lectures:

Pimpernel said...

Dear Newt,

Don't know you and I do moderate and I posted your comment. You mock me for my belief in God, yet I allowed your comment so others could see it and see you. Just so you understand, this is a blog and not a forum, this is my blog and it is about what I think, not what others think.

Oddly enough this particular post has been one of the most popular, that implies to me that I am not alone in disliking Mr Hawking.

As for proving God, I don't want to tread on ground that I already covered in the first two iterations of this blog. Correct Descartes first principal and then I will consider "proving" God to you. Oh, that was the first post on the original version of this blog and it went on for weeks.

michellynette said...

Love it! :)

Pimpernel said...

Dear Miss Lynette,

LOL. I continue to be amazed at how many people have come to my blog using the search terms "Stephen Hawkings" and "douche bag". Literally, hundreds of people have searched for those terms. Be well.

Common sense said...

Of course, string-theory and multidimensional-theories that attempt to logically observe and explain the universe are ridiculous garbage. I mean, all I need is the
Christian explanation: God created everything, created us, got mad when we sinned, became a man who was himself but also his son, sacrificed himself so that we can be saved, rose from the dead, gave us his body to eat so we can live forever and worship him for eternity. Lets not forget the part where a perfect God smites hundreds and thousands of people in the old testament out of imperfect human emotions of anger and jealousy.
You sir, are exactly the cancer to this world that delays progress to making the world a better place, instead of banking on something that MIGHT happen when you die.

Pimpernel said...

Common sense, I don't see any in your comment. Things are not true because Hawking said so. He is not the final word in science or of the truth. You don't believe in God, fine, does that mean you have to accept bad science? I have posted your comment although I don't need to; but, while you are an offensive little thing, you were not obscene. It might interest you to know that hundreds of people found this post by using the search terms, "Stephen Hawking Douche" which pretty much says that I am not the only one who feels this way about him. Now, go crawl back under your rock.

Demofox said...

I found this page by googling for "steven hawking is a duechebag". I just watched his show on the discovery channel where he "disproved the existence of any god or creator". I myself am an atheist, but it was kinda sickening hearing that on tv. Their reasoning was extremely weak, and the whole knowing with certainty there could not be a creator is essentially the same as saying you understand everything about everything and there is no loophole anywhere. That is just hubris / deuchebaggery. There's another episode of his show on right now talking about what the meaning of life is. There's some interesting / fun info, but who are you SH, telling us the meaning of life? Seems like maybe he's just trying to come to grips with his own mortality, and not doing a very good job at it hehe.

Pimpernel said...

Dear demofox,

Hello, how nice to have another reader. I am amazed by the number of people who searched "stephen hawking and douchebag". I am a Christian; but, respect those who disagree and are atheists. I don't respect SH, all knowledge does not begin and end with him.

I matter, you matter, we all matter and I detest those who tell us that we do not. Whether there is a God or not, our existence matters, our lives matter because every sentient being matters.

Satan wins the minute we believe that we do not matter. You matter and that is the message of this blog. Peace.

Anonymous said...

I just watched Stephen H. on Discovery Channel trying to prove that there is no God. His theories, no matter how intricate, were harder to fathom than the idea of a grand creator/designer. He talked of protons and black holes and all other types of interesting things but never did he attempt to explain where they came from, just that they happened. What a terrible scientist!!! He gives up saying that spontaneous combustion in a black hole created the universe. But Mr. Hawking, where did the time, energy, and space come from if nothing can escape a black hole?! By the way I googled Stephen Hawking is a douche bag and it led me to this blog. How cool!!!! One more thing, Stephen Hawking should prove he is not a robot.

Pimpernel said...

Dear Anonymous,

Thank you for the kind words. I am surprised at how many people found this post by searching his name and douche bag.

I don't have a problem with non-believers, I have a problem with believers who push religion down other people's throats and non-believers who do the same. Mr. Hawking seems to believe that if he has drawn a conclusion we must all bow to his genius and that is his arrogance.

It would be amusing to know if Mr. Hawking ever read the post. Peace.

Crimson520 said...

Lol I found this post wanting to show my wife how many people probably think SH is a douche. I am not religious but I do believe in what alot of the bible says. I just don't take it so literally as some do. I can't stand it when SH has his theories and there is no other possibilities. I like to think there is a high power of some sort and many other possibilities out there. But to be from Earth and only writing theories or books that slam anything else that someone believes is kinda douche.

I saw this documentary about dark matter and scientists couldn't explain it. They know it's there but can't see it, they know it controls the universe. Imagine that, can't see it but have faith it's there. Pretty cool of you ask me.

Pimpernel said...

Dear Mr. Lowe,

I wrote this post years ago and it continues to be one of the most popular. It is amazing how many people searched the terms "Stephen Hawking is a douche". It seems that the only thing that impresses him is his own intelligence and that is arrogance and misplaced.

He attempted to find one unifying explanation for all existence and cannot accept his failure on this matter. Scientists can tell you what the big bang was and how it progressed; but, not why. They cannot explain gravity. Quantum physicists spent a fortune creating the Large Hadron Collider and did not find the Higgs Boson, at least not one that explained what they said it would.

As for God, Stephen Hawking is a douche even if there is no God. He misses the most important part, the one thing we can know and that is that we exist as sentient beings and that is why we matter. There is no explanation in science for sentience, self awareness, true thought and emotion.

You cannot hear self awareness, you cannot smell it, taste it, touch it or prove it; but, you can experience it.

I began this blog before I had my first heart attack and died. I myself had a Near Death Experience and after that, I ceased caring what others think about the soul, death, God or eternity. While some have written books about their NDEs, I do not and rarely discuss it in any detail as I do not think anyone can understand unless they have been there. My next post will be on NDEs; but, not mine. Peace.

Crimson520 said...

Hey thanks for replying back bro. You seem like a cool guy. I look forward to seeing more posts. Until then keep fighting the good fight! Peace