Wednesday, December 15, 2010

And Another Thing

I don't know what expectations people have of my blog. It is what it is and will continue to be so. I don't know what expectations people have of me, get over it. If we have not mutually exchanged promises, you have no right to expect anything of me.

Why would anyone have the right to expect more of me, what have you given me. Expect me to say what I believe or am wondering, that is all you can expect of me and I still have no responsibility to any of my readers. This is what it is, my thoughts.

We have entered a new age. I like Jane Fonda as an actress, I don't like her as a person. I will watch her movies. Today people have the ability to express themselves worldwide, just like this little blog does. People do not have to like me, understand me or even want to be around me. They are welcome to see what I think, I write it down as it occurs to me. All doors swing open and closed.

I wish to make something perfectly clear. I don't care if anyone talks to me, I will be me and if they choose to talk to me they will get me. Not the false face that everyone else needs to feel a need to put on or hide behind. You get me. I determined when I was a child that the number one priority in my life was to be all that I could be. The number two priority was to help others. I do them both.

Too many people have lofty beliefs and never act on them. I have very simple beliefs and act on them. How many of you have four homeless people living in your homes? I do. How many of you have helped gays? I have. How many of you have forgiven the one who hurt you the worst and then helped them, I have.

It is wonderful if people believe that others should do their best, it is not when they do not do the same. Beliefs are meaningless if they do not result in action. That is the new testament. I live what I talk and too many people who know this read this blog, let them tell me I am a liar. I post all comments that are not obscene (use cuss words or discuss things that children should not read about).

I am always amused when people tell me how they feel the homeless should be helped but have not taken any in. What they are saying is that others should help them. That is garbage. Trust me children, judge not less you be judged. Anyone reading my blogs expecting me to match up to some twisted profile that you have of Christians or others better check themselves first. I didn't mention every way in which people can get Aids, what slime I am. Instead I help people with it.

I will never match any one's expectations. I owe nothing and have never offered that up. To my readers I wish to make a point. I was thrown off of a website because I say what I think, that is part of how this blog started. I will respond to questions; but, I will respond with further clarification, never by hiding or apologizing for things I meant to say.

To have a real relationship we need to be truthful, not judgemental. We should have opinions and we should express them, wait the response. I am pacifist but I bite. I will respond and I will insist upon being me. It has never and will never be negotiable. I will not trade my truth for comfort or friends or help or any other goodies. I say this up front.

If you have never been beat by bamboo sticks understand that I have. If you have never lived on the streets, I have. If you have never lost everything to those who did you wrong, I have. You would never know it by meeting me.

To all appearances I am a well to do professional. I have doctorate and make six figures. I am a Christian and do not hide it nor promote it. People who don't know me have expectation based on that limited information. They do not know who I spend time with or much else. Still, they insist upon telling me who I am. Don't waste your time, it does not change who I choose to be. I will choose to be who I wish to be and wish the same for everyone. I choose to be myself and help others even people who think differently than me. If you do not do the same than you are still a child in my eyes.

I am the son of a cop and a housewife. My family are all blue collar, I just have a better education and certain bizarre abilities. People who assume that I am privileged because of what I attained, just don't understand who I am. Labels and comparisons will never explain me. My hot button is easy to find, try and get me to meet your requirements and expectations. I will fail, I will still be me and I won't react to prove I am the opposite, I will just keep being me. That is what I wish for everyone.

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