Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I Am Chatty Today

I keep across articles that seem relevant to thing that I have posted on. Apparently one of the issues is homosexuality. I have discussed before how I don't care what others do in the bedroom, nor do I wish to know. I find the side issues much more intriguing.

I read two articles that showed how polarizing the issue of homosexuality is for many. The first article is on the Salvation Army. The author believes that the Salvation Army should not get donations because they will not provide benefits for same sex unmarried couples. It then chastises the Salvation Army for believing homosexuality is wrong.

Some will have a knee jerk reaction to the article and to the Salvation Army while missing the freedom issue. Firstly, the author fails to point out that Salvation Army will provide food and shelter to gays, they don't ask the people they feed if they are gay or not. Apparently this is insufficient. I am not a proponent of the Salvation Army or their beliefs, in fact, I think are very cult like. Having said that, I give them money on occasion because they feed people that the government does not.

If we take the position that we should not support religious organization charitable work because we disagree with some of what they believe then we must consider the opposite. I give money to groups that are not Christian if how they use the money is to do good works. Should Christians refuse to give to the United Way because it is not a Christian organization. This is dangerous ground.

Before taking a position against people we disagree with, we should consider the other side doing the same. Should we tell Christians to only give money to Christian organizations, it is the same thing; but, you better look and see how many are helped by Christian organizations and how many are helped by non-Christian organizations.

Millions and millions of dollars are given by Christians each year to help cure Aids. Asking them to stop giving because they may believe homosexuality is wrong is tyrannical. Requiring others to believe as you do is tyranny and oppression. Requiring it of a religious organization is even worse.

The author attacks the Salvation Army as being cruel for saying that they would shut down their soup kitchens if they were forced to exist in a manner that violates their beliefs. The Salvation Army said they would rather stop then be forced to live against their beliefs. The author assumes the highest purpose of the Salvation Army is to take up the slack that is left by society, it is not, they are primarily a religious organization. There is no requirement that they feed the needy, they choose to do it because they see the need.

I help others because I see needs. I allow people who would otherwise be homeless to live in my house and I buy them food and other items. It is not a requirement that I do so, one of them I did not even know except through a friend of my daughters. I ask very little of the people who live with me and I don't ask for money. I ask for respect of my privacy and to not create problems. Their beliefs vary greatly from mine, if they do not like my beliefs they can simply leave or choose to discuss them or choose not to. I don't push my beliefs on them, I don't require them to be Christians to live with me.

I could rightfully tell the people who live with me that if they do not accept Jesus then they cannot live in my home. That would be a shame and not be loving. It would be using undue pressure because of my position. I would rather not take people in my house at all then require them to believe like me and that is why I don't ask them to.

It is no different for the Salvation Army. To require them to change their beliefs or do things that they find offensive in order for them to help others is wrong. It is worse than wrong, it is a form of moral slavery. Freedom of association and freedom of speech is more important than agreement.

It is timely that I was taken to task for not understanding Aids or gays. It is timely because of the article about the Salvation Army and this one about Harvey Milk's old store. Mr. Milk was a gay politician in San Francisco. He was killed in San Francisco City Hall. A gay rights group is now renting Mr. Milk's old store and the complaints are not coming from Christians or conservatives, the complaints are coming from more radical gays. They argue that the group that is renting the space is not aggressive enough on gay issues. Rather than working together on the parts they agree on, they seek to separate on the areas where they do not.

Mans greatest urge is to make others to conform to their beliefs. One of my daughters has told me that she will not speak to me unless I live by her rules. Guess what, I don't work that way and it is criminal and despicable to ask me to.

This post is not about homosexuality, it is merely an example that was timely. This post is about allowing others to live the way they see fit. Unfortunately, sheep seek to force others to be like them. It is what makes them unfit as leaders. Good leaders do not seek conformity, they deal with variety.

I was taken to task for not understanding the issues surrounding Aids. I am often told that I don't understand issues. Usually by people who do not understand how "their" issues impact other equally important issues. Hyper-focus by others does not mean that I must do the same and limit myself to only looking at one issue. That is not going to happen.

To the person who posted the comment, my responses may appear to be responses, I seek more than to respond. I seek further conversation. I do not seek agreement, I clarify my position and attempt to give further room for discussion. Be well all.

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