Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sheep as Lions

I read an interesting post from "Above Top Secret" which had an accompanying video. Here is the link. It talks about how most people are sheeple and should wake up and take action. I disagree.

Most people are like sheep, how is that for offensive. Jesus referred to us as sheep, he referred to himself as the good shepherd. Was he wrong? He told us to be good slaves, the book was not written for the people in charge, it was for the vast majority of us, the sheep.

What is the nature of sheep? They are herd animals, they are usually gentle and only concerned with comfort. It is their nature. Are sheep wrong for being sheep? Should sheep attempt to be lions? Would they be happy as lions? I doubt it very much. We are limited by our nature, what we do with it is the key. How far we can go given our confines.

The world is run by a very few number of individuals. It only takes one shepherd to manage a large flock of sheep. Some flocks get bad shepherds and the flock suffers because of it, that does not mean the sheep are capable of shepherding themselves. Everyone wants to believe that they should be the manager or owner, they are mistaken. Replacing one bad shepherd with another doesn't work any better. In order to lead well one must put in the effort. The best leaders don't want to be leaders.

A good leader rarely gets rattled. They do not act from fear, that takes some time to learn. A good leader ignores how they are personally impacted by their decisions and instead does what is best for their organization or family. Few sheep can look beyond how things impact them. A good leader understands their industry and is constantly looking to know more. A good leader promotes those who are learning to be the same rather than family and friends. This is why I am not a proponent of direct democracy.

If you watch the video link about sheep it proposes that the sheep who can wake up should unite and leave the others behind. I have been asked to do that before. The concept is written about in a book by Ayn Rand called "Atlas Shrugged". I disagree, that only creates a new sheeple society and shows a distinct lack of concern for those who are still growing.

We are all in process. I do not allow four year olds to drive cars, they are not ready. It is not about taking back our freedoms, it is about growing enough to handle freedom and then being given it. It is about having the opportunity to learn, if we decline to take advantage of these opportunities then we should not have the freedoms.

I may seem to contradict some earlier writings but it is not a contradiction. I believe citizenship is a birth right; but, I don't believe citizenship means you should be able to fly a plane if you have not bothered learning how. Some rights have to be earned because they put other people at risk. With every earned right comes a responsibility, you cannot separate the two nor should you try to. My observation is that people want what they have not earned, they want to take the short cut, they only want the advantages of being in charge and not the responsibility, they want to blame those below them. That is backwards.

Why don't I want the sheep to lead? Here is a good example of how sheep lead. Sheep get frustrated because they don't know how to change things so they become violent.

On a separate note, there has been a rash of earthquakes in an area not known for them. The geologists are stumped. The article. Now I must return to talking to my mortgage processor. Have a great day.

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