Thursday, June 16, 2011

New Thoughts on Pastor Carol Daniels

Firstly, here is a link to a news report on Pastor Carol Daniels death. I had never seen this report. I did not know that there was a POLICE STATION a block away. Lets think about this some more. A random satanists, picks a church in a town of 6,000, which he assumes will not have any members attending a church on Sunday and cuts a woman to death and is not worried about the screaming or walking out of the building covered in blood. This makes how much sense?

Let us agree on one thing, the murderer did not intend to walk more than one block because there was a police station one block away. Cops drive in and out of police stations and go in all directions. I haven't followed the story; but, this nonsense makes it even more clear that it was done by someone who was in very close proximity. They were a block away from a police station and were not afraid of leaving the building and not being seen? Come on, it had to be someone very close in proximity.

For those who continue to have an interest in Pastor Carol Daniels, a link to the website that is tracking the news regarding her. Let us pray that her killer is caught. I will not be joining their site as I am de-interneting.

I should point out something, the linked website said that BTK was from Wichita and not Kansas City, he was from neither, he was from Park City, north of Wichita. For anyone who wants to see, go to the Kansas City newspapers website forum regarding BTK and examine the posts by CatchPutz, they predicted it would be Park City and many other things about him before he even resurfaced. The Kansas police did a lousy job, just like the Oklahoma police are doing a lousy job.

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