Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pastor Carol Daniels, Remembering Her

I am very humbled today. Periodically I check the statistics on my posts. Since beginning this blog my most read post was on Carl Jung, Jim Carrey and DMT. That is no longer the case, my most read post is now the one on Pastor Carol Daniels. I don't quite know what to think about that.

This blog is a pretty small space on the internet. I am stunned that people found it through searches. The post on the dear pastor was just me writing about something that had effected me. I had caught an article somewhere and the story really resonated with me. I was impressed by the fact that she was so committed to God and making sure that people could find his word in this little town.

When I read the little information out there I thought there were some things that didn't add up and so I contacted the Oklahoma Bureau of Investigation with my thoughts. I don't have a large audience; but, I thought I would post my thoughts on this blog and maybe my readers would have some thoughts on the matter also. I never expected to be one of the top search results regarding the case and it was not planned.

I had planned to destroy this blog in the near future, I wanted to delete it when it had served it's purpose in my life. As long as people come and read the post I wrote about her, I will not delete it. I am so glad that people are still thinking about her and looking for any information they can get, I wish I had more to offer.

I wonder if any of her family members have read my post and if they have I do hope they know that I have nothing but respect for the lady and kind thoughts for her family. Words can be funny things and my writing is very fluid and in the moment, this blog is not thought out in advance very often. I would feel very bad if I thought anyone thought my words regarding her were callous or if I thought anyone was hurt by my asking questions about what happened.

Most of my posts are about things that somehow effect me or interest me, the post on the good Pastor was out of frustration. When I checked the stats for the blog today I went and searched for newer information regarding her and am still frustrated that nothing seems to have happened in the case after all this time. It is good to know that people haven't given up and I pray that someday the killer is caught and this crime is solved.

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