Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pastors Declare Homosexuality Not a Sin

I really don't want to talk about homosexuality again. Some of my readers are gay and friends. I have previously said that I don't care if the government allows gay marriage because I don't. Government marriage is an enforceable contract and people should be allowed to enter into any contracts that do not break laws and I don't believe that homosexuality should be illegal, that is madness and overreaching by the government, they should stay out of our bedrooms.

Apparently a group of more than 100 pastors in Omaha, Nebraska have issued a proclamation that homosexuality is not a sin, does that mean that lust isn't a sin anymore too? Whew, because I lust all the time and thought it was. These people do not deserve to teach the bible because apparently they never bothered to read it. I would not call homosexuality evil; but, I would call it a sin (if you haven't figured out that I am a Christian by now, you haven't been paying attention, yes, I believe in the bible, I just interpret it with an open mind). We are all sinners, that is what it says. It also says that there is only one sin that is not pardonable and it isn't believed to be homosexuality or lust.

I don't have a problem with sinners, I don't have a problem with gays, I do have a problem with Pastors not following the word. Perhaps they will now say that adultery is not a sin, my ex would like that. What about gluttony, is that still a sin? I don't believe there is a rating for sins, I never read it in the bible; but, if there was then I would think that adultery was worse than homosexuality because promises are broken and we have legalized adultery (no-fault divorce).

My issue is with the church and with the pastors. Heck, maybe we can get all the pedophile priests together to issue a proclamation that sleeping with little boys is not a sin anymore, I bet they would do it. And I am not comparing what those priests did to being gay, there is a big difference between consenting adults and people who use their position to take advantage of minors. It was lesbians that kept pedophiles from being accepted in the gay community, I have written about this in the past (I should have tagged my articles but I am not going back and doing it now).

Church is for sinners and I want all sinners to feel they can come and hear the word. Jesus reached out to those who were not accepted and saved the life of an adulterer. He didn't tell her that she did not sin, instead, he asked who was sin free. We still haven't found anyone who was. I am disgusted that pastors would make such a proclamation rather than say why we must be accepting and loving to all including those who commit all types of sins.

Not all homosexuals are promiscuous, lets start with that; but, many are (same for heterosexuals), is promiscuity still a sin? I bet the pastors that signed this document would say it isn't. I would love to know by what logic these pastors feel they are entitled to determine what is a sin. I just don't know what to say. I love sinners and don't know anyone who isn't, I guess only gays are non-sinners according to these people.

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