Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How surprising, confusion on the stock market.

Last Friday there was a lot of chatter about the Federal Reserve buying less bonds and easing on the quantitative easing. That caused the Japanese stock exchange to lose 10 percent and then came the three day weekend. You might have expected the Dow to drop; but, it rose supposedly because Bernake said they would keep one buying bonds. He did not say how many. Today it lost as much as it gained on Tuesday.

This is from the Financial Times - Larry Summers has an edge in the race to head the Federal Reserve. Here is my take on it, Bernake has not had the job that long and is leaving just prior or while something big goes on. He is leaving soon. There is an old joke. A guy takes over a big company and his predecessor leaves him three envelopes. The envelopes are in order and tell him to open them as he faces any crisis.

He messes up and the company loses money. He opens the first envelope and it says, "Blame the last guy that had your job". A few months later he messes up again and he opens the second envelope, it says, "Blame your employees". He makes a mistake and loses money a few months later and opens the third envelope. It says, "Prepare three envelopes". Mr. Bernake is leaving because he has run out of things to blame. His replacement will follow the exact same policies.

Yahoo - The Daily Ticker - Sallie Krawcheck: Big Banks Still Don’t Have Enough Capital. Expect volatility and when the game is over expect it to be hard to get credit. If banks have to hold more in deposits then they have less to lend, it is that simple.

Yahoo - On the Road to a Japanese Debt Crisis. This is all a joke, the point of everything in the media is to make you unsure. I will tell you how it ends and have. Don't freak out when the markets get volatile (jump and wildly up and downs). Make good long term bets and stick with them.

CNBC - Market May Be Near Top: Technician. They are telling you that the market will get volatile. They are flat out saying that the market has reached the top and will dip.

CNBC - Is the Dollar Dying? Why US Currency Is in Danger. Again, mainstream media telling you what I have been saying. The dollar is dying.

Real Currencies - The Dying Dollar and the Rise of a New Currency Order. Wake up, it is not just me that sees what is coming.

Don't buy stakes in banks, it is a trick and I don't care what they say. Here is the tricky news. Market Watch - Bank stocks lead on stronger economic data. There are people who believe that if they are going to declare bankruptcy, they might as well run up their debt just prior to. They even pay their attorney's with their credit cards. Even though the ex left me with lots of credit debt, I payed it all off. I didn't pay my attorney with other people's moneys (credit cards) and I did not declare bankruptcy (though I could have), I paid my debts. If the IMF, FDIC and Bank of England are correct about what is coming then we are eeing the rats jump the ship and taking as much as they can before they go.

Yahoo - Reuters - Nasdaq to pay $10 million to settle SEC charges from Facebook snafu. Read the article, it says that NASDAQ cost Facebook $500,000,000 in losses by a "snafu". LOL. They got fined $10 million dollars. What happened to the other $490,000,000? Oh well, people make mistakes.The system is corrupt and people who do make it on their own, like Zuckerman, get taken advantage of. Still, he made so much, he didn't care because money is not what he is about even if I disagree with him on many things.

Watch for volatility, swings in the markets, all markets. Have a great week. I have had the stomach flu the last two days. Hope it is over by tomorrow.

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