Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Keep watching the markets, look for confusion.

I don't know exactly it will all begin. It is not as obvious as the housing bubble or the stock crash before. There are too many balls in the air at once. What we are seeing in the media is either "everything is okay" or "the crash is coming". I don't think it is that concrete. I believe we are going to implode; but, I don't think it is all at once. It could be; but, that is not how it usually works. It crashes by industry, one goes and then another goes and then another goes. The housing bubble burst months before the stock crashed.

Here are somethings that people are saying.

Silver Doctors - Jim Sinclair: Entire US Banking System Missed a Bail-in Collapse by a Hair Tuesday!. I don't agree with everything he says and I don't believe in buying precious metals nor do I nor will I ever sell anything on the blog. I think a "bail-in" is coming because the IMF, FDIC and Bank of England have all said so; but, as I said previously, I expect a lot of volatility in the markets first.

InvestmentWatch - 100% Chance Of Stock Market Crash Coming Near Future. Listen to what the guy says all the way through. Again, I don't agree with everything he is saying; but, he states a lot of things that are underlying facts and gives the references.

InvestmentWatch - CNBC - The Venerable Jack Bogle Has Warned Us A 25-50% Downward Move Is Almost Certain. This is a mainstream media show with a respected individual saying the same thing. He says it may come in three waves. I don't know how many waves; but, it is coming.

InvestmentWatch - Basel III: How The Bank For International Settlements Is Going To Help Bring Down The Global Economy. The article has good links and I apologize for not having really talked about Basel before. He gives a decent summary of what it is, you can also go to Wikipedia. Bottom line, an international organization that has a lot more control over your sovereignty than you knew.

Huffington Post - Beware Capitalist Tools. I happen to like real capitalism so I disagree with his title. What he points out is how much the financial reporters owe to the financial industry and why they do what they are told.

FoxNews - Eye spy: Facial recognition software is coming to Google Glass
. I said Google glasses would have biometric identification, Google said it wouldn't and gosh darn, turns out that there is an app for that, how surprising. What google really meant was that the app would not be made by them and built into the system, you have to buy it from a third party. I wonder if the security setting for the glasses allows you to have it scan your iris so that nobody else can use them?

The way we are led by the nose is pretty simple. The majority that you hear all sing the same song. Everything is bad or getting better or getting worse of whatever. A few disagree and are shut down and ridiculed. Just about all have a stake in the game. The trick is to get you to stop listening to the ones that are right because money is made off of your being wrong. The stock market will come down; but, I still say if you have stock keep it and wait it out. That is also what Jack Bogle said. I gave the exact same advice as Mr. Bogle before him. Now, go look up who he is. Wikipedia - John C. Bogle. This is like an Index Fund Warren Buffet.

I cannot tell you which asset class will collapse first, it could be any of them. It doesn't really matter which comes first, they all effect one another. I cannot say with any certainty when the first will go. I happen to watch for triple witching hours on Wall Street; but, there are other key dates when long term bets need to be made. Heck, the collapses could begin in the currency trading markets if nobody wants our dollars, it could happen in the energy markets first. Lots of options.

You know what, I know what to look for possibly. If we think of the Cyprus situation, it rattled all of the European Union and is only a very small percentage of it's population and GDP. They also were described as bad people because they were laundering money for rich Russians. I think it will be the banks, they haven't changed their ways, cheated the rules on the Mortgage relief they were supposed to provide. I think it will be the banks more than the stock market that begins the ball rolling. Who would put up with another trillion dollar bail out of banks? I don't think people would, they will prefer the bail in.

The logic will please everyone. If I deposited in a bank and the bank failed, I would want to be paid before the stock holders because what they lost was not their money; but, my money. Yet, they kept the stock and gave themselves bonuses. We need a good fall guy even though all the industries are guilty. I think it will be the bankers. Heck, you have to hate them enough to become stockholders in them after breaking them up into a million pieces. Yeah, that would be the ones.

No matter how it turns out, it turns out the same. The IMF did not spend years coming up with a plan if they didn't know a problem was coming. If the banks start to fail, keep your money in the bank. If the stock market goes down, keep your money in the stock market. When whatever fails, fails, keep your money in it and wait it out. All indexes come back. Once you sell, you are stuck and they know that. Warren Buffet did not sell off during the market crash, he waited and bought.

Mr. Buffet said very rude once. He was on 20/20 I believe and he walked past a picture of lots of people in a crowd and said that he "Protected the asses of the masses" and he meant it. In my opinion, Mr. Buffet and Mr. Gates are two people who believe in individual achievement. They are two very smart people who just don't know God; but, believe in truth and freedom and prosperity for others. Neither is a selfish individual and both have pledged their fortunes to others to help them as they believe people should be helped. My deepest regret is that I believe these two men misunderstood what they were up against. What I don't think they really understand is that this game was taken out of their hands and even the hands of those who they are protecting us from long, long ago.

There is a movie coming out that I am going to see. From Yahoo, it is called, "Now You See Me". There is also a show coming out that I want to see, it is on NBC and is called, "The Blacklist".

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