Sunday, August 14, 2016

You Do Not Understand What the People in Charge Believe

Yahoo - Business Insider - DIMON ON UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS: 'Let them stay and let them build companies'.  The CEO of J.P. Morgan is in favor of open borders.

CNBC - Tim Cook addresses Apple's US taxes, says no repatriation without 'fair rate'. Hello boys and girls, can you say blackmail. Yes, the head of Apple has said he will not pay their corporate taxes in America unless we lower the rate on corporations. Can you say traitor and scumbag?

New York Times -  Trump Is Testing the Norms of Objectivity in Journalism.  An impassioned plea form the New York Times to not expect them to be objective or tell the truth because they don't like Trump so I guess they can make up anything they want.

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